The Beginner’s A-Z of D.I.Y Subversion (Emasculate)

EMASCULATE    a) To castrate b) to deprive of strength or vigour; weaken.   Well, it would, wouldn’t it?  Emasculation is of limited use as a weapon for the DIY subversive, particularly the males, who are unlikely to have the stomach for it.  I am sure that most of us could make up a very long list of those who should have been emasculated – fathers mostly – before the damage was done.  If you truly believe that the man next door is about to spawn the devil’s child (although exactly how that might be possible, I’m not entirely certain) or a future politician, you may consider this a justifiable course of action.  I would urge you to consider the following: is defeating the anti-Christ really the role of a subversive?  Wouldn’t it be better left to someone with religious convictions¹?  Why not contact the local vicar and inform him / her of your suspicions?  It will certainly provide relief from the usual diet of ox-coveting and offer a subject for a sermon that almost certainly has not been covered by that other lot up the road.  If you are fortunate enough to have one of the keener vicars, they may even consider blessing the Stanley knife for you, although it is most unlikely that they will carry out the act themselves. 

You may be able to ‘accidentally’ disclose your suspicions to members of the WI in an ‘unguarded moment’, adding that the person you suspect is also single, has six children by six separate married women and almost certainly votes Labour – that should do it.  Never leave your address.

Unless heavily sedated, the victim is almost certain to put up significant resistance².  Even those rendered insensible by alcohol or drugs are likely to kick up a bit of a fuss when they realise what you are about to do with the knife, the bowl and the Marigolds.  Do you have sufficient equipment to restrain a desperate man?  Gaffer tape does not come cheap, and you can’t really trust the stuff you usually buy from Poundland, when it’s not even strong enough to hold the broken zip together on your trousers. 

Are you yourself strong enough to control a violent victim³?

Are you planning a single-hack emasculation or a total removal?  If you’re planning a full castration, you will probably need a really big box of plasters.

What will you do with the victim once the appendage has been removed?  You’ve watched a great many films – alone, of course – and you know all about staunching bleeding with the application of hot tar or by setting fire to gunpowder, but you can’t expect your victim just to shake your hand and wander off to pursue his hormone-lite life without a by-your-leave.  You could perhaps leave him in the care of an isolated order of Dominican monks – the kind that would kill him if he tried to escape or, failing that, you could remove his tongue.  He may even prefer that to the emasculation itself.  You are nothing if not compassionate – why not give him the choice?  

What will you do with the appendage once removed?  Do you have a cat?  Is he / she a fussy eater?  If your cat is likely to turn its nose up at this additional source of protein, try next door’s dog – anything that will eat three week-old fox poop is almost certain to relish a freshly severed member.  If you have gone for a total castration, you could leave it to dry for a few days before selling it to the hippy couple down the street as some kind of traditional African maraca.

  1. Not, incidentally, convictions for holding religious convictions, which are all too easy to get in some of the world’s most ‘enlightened’ nations and may, indeed, lead to emasculation – probably with something blunt and rusty.
  2. It may be wise to reconsider if he does not.
  3. This is a rhetorical question and, as such, does not require an answer.  If you are the kind of pedant who, none-the-less, requires one, it is ‘No’.

© Colin McQueen 2024

The Beginner’s A-Z of D.I.Y Subversion (Ear to Email)

In the hope that sufficient time has elapsed since the first few chapters of this little guide stirred up such remarkable apathy…

EAR                    The organ of hearing.  The external part of which can be removed with relative ease (compared, for instance, to little finger, thumb or nose) and sent to relatives in a jiffy bag.  Blood loss is minimal, as is the effect on auditory sensation, although earring wearing may become a bit of an issue and the amputee may have to address the problem of his spectacles constantly sliding diagonally across his face.

EARLY                Before the usual or appointed time; ahead of time.  It is a good idea to make it your business never to be early for anything, unless it has a free buffet.   

EARNINGS         Money earned; wages.  Well, I must admit, I was fairly unfamiliar with the verb to earn, but, according to my little dictionary I find that it means to ‘acquire through merit’.  Unfortunately, being equally unfamiliar with the word merit, I was forced to look that up as well.  Merit, apparently means, ‘claim to respect and praise’, which, I must admit is something I have never encountered in all my years of subversion. 

EAVESDROP       To listen secretly to a private conversation.  You might as well – you’re unlikely to ever have one of your own.

EDIFICATION     Morally or spiritually uplifting improvement or enlightenment.  The kind of thing that many Americans pay one third of their income for, only to discover that the humble man-of-God to whom they paid it, has emigrated to the Bahamas upon discovering that he has, apparently, misread the signs and turquoise, shell-suited Gods are actually extremely unlikely to descend to earth aboard a cigar-shaped silver craft on this, or indeed any other, Thursday teatime. 

EDUCATION      The process of imparting or acquiring knowledge or skill.  Well now, this is an impossibly huge and alien concept for the subversive, so I will tackle it in two parts:

                         a) Knowledge –

  1. the sum of what is knownSo, what is known?  Well, that depends upon where you’re sitting, doesn’t it?  I once met a man who could recite pi to the thousandth place, but didn’t know how to tie his own shoelaces.  I know what I have tucked away in my belly-button, but I very much doubt that anyone else will want to.  Einstein was the most intelligent man who ever lived, but did he know how much fart-powder should be added to the tea urn at the women’s institute meeting on Thursday mornings to produce the most devastating effect?¹  A great deal of knowledge is totally surplus to requirements unless you aim to make a living out of winning pub-quizzes and, in fact, you will never win a pub quiz by knowing anything of any significance whatsoever. 
  2. sexual intercourse (archaic).  Intriguingly, used in this context, the word is almost always accompanied by the word carnal, which, as we all know, means fleshy, which just goes to show why it’s no fun being a supermodel.

                         b) Skill – ability to perform a task, especially when acquired by training.  So, it stands to reason that if you have a particular skill, based upon many hours of practice and selfless devotion, possibly behind closed doors, you are per se ‘educated’.  Now we all understand why boys get such a particular education at public school don’t we?  That kind of skill would have got me a clipped ear as a boy, not to mention the threat of incipient warts and blindness.  But let’s face it, the fact that we can exhibit our education through the ability to pick our toenails at the dinner table is a great thing and an achievement that can only serve to narrow the class divide in our country.

1. The answer is almost certainly ‘Yes,’ isn’t it?  The man was a bona fide genius.  It is possible that he knew more than my mother.

EGO                   When your ‘girlfriend’ sighs ‘God, you’ve got a big one…’ this is what she is talking about.

ELECTION          Selection of a person or persons for office by vote.  Unless you are in an unusually democratic gang of one, this is highly unlikely ever to happen to you.  If you choose to try and follow this path, might I recommend local politics to you.  The turnout for local elections is traditionally below 40%, the winning candidate might be one of eight or nine¹, which, by my calculations, means that you can win an election with the support of substantially less than 5% of the electorate.  In certain rural constituencies, this might be bought with little more than a decent size bag of sheep-nuts.

1. Conservative, Labour, SDP, Green, Various Independents (including single issue candidates), Monster Raving Loonies, UKIP, Reform UK, EDL (First four listed in order of wealth and the rest in order of sanity).

    EMAIL        Method of writing, sending and instantly regretting messages.

    © Colin McQueen 2024

    The Beginner’s A-Z of D.I.Y Subversion (Diatribe to Dynamite)

    DIATRIBE           A bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism.  Known in subversive circles as ‘conversation’.  There is little point in speaking about anyone at all except in derogatory terms.  All subversives are bitter about something, be it the blatant oppression of the working classes by the ruling elite; the exploitation of minority groups in our supposedly egalitarian society, or the price of deodorised socks at the Co-op, and will waste no time in denouncing¹ any or all of them.

    1. The most important thing to remember about the act of denunciation is that it does not encumber the denouncer with any responsibility, e.g. suggesting a solution to the problem.  This is the job of politicians – who really should know better.

    DICTATOR         (See Despot – above)  Charlie Chaplin played The Great Dictator in a film, only to find that a Mr A Hitler subsequently plagiarised his creation and went on to achieve worldwide notoriety without having to eat liquorice boots.  Many historians have considered how the impact of the Second World War might have been lessened had Mr Hitler been as funny as Mr Chaplin, but on closer examination of the latter’s films, most are forced to agree that he was.

    DIM                   Rather stupid.  It is impossible to underestimate the importance of dim people to your organisation.  With proper persuasion, they will do all the things that you are far too scared to do.  Also, when captured by the authorities, they will waste no time in admitting to anything at all, as long as the policeman offers to share his Smarties.

    DIGESTIVE          A medicine which aids digestion.  More importantly, a biscuit.  Should you ever find yourself in gainful employment, always strive to assume control of the staff tea fund.  Once in this lofty position of power, replace the digestives with Rich Tea and watch the fun begin¹.  Remember that, whatever is claimed to the contrary, the tea fund never did stretch to Custard Creams and always offer to reinstate the Digestives in return for an increase of the weekly subs.  Be prepared to deny emphatically that the quality of the tea has fallen during your time in charge and also that the tea money has, in any way, contributed towards your new Rolex watch, whilst pointing out the importance of proper timekeeping in the delivery of the tea.  Always keep a separate stash of Supermarket Own-Brand Rich Tea, which can be passed off as ‘low-sugar’ or ‘gluten-free’ as required and a small pack of Jammie Dodgers for the exclusive consumption of the person in charge of the photocopier and the recently divorced hottie in accounts.

    1. It is a universally acknowledged truth that absolutely nobody likes Rich Tea biscuits – with the possible exception of vicars’ wives, who do so solely on a cost basis, and Supermodels, for whom a single biscuit provides a)100% of their daily nutritional requirements. b) A convenient ashtray. c) A nice shiny surface from which to snort their actual daily nutritional requirements.

    DISMEMBER        To sever limb from limb.  Probably not the best course of action for the do-it-yourselfer.  To be efficient at this you need a sharp knife and a strong stomach.  It does make a dreadful mess in the bathroom and, unless you feel you really have to make a point, I recommend you dismember something with far less blood, gristle and sinew than the average human being.  Try a chocolate digestive biscuit, a plastic duck or Donald Trump (please).

    DISSENT             To disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.  Does this make you a subversive?  No, this makes you normal.  Governments in general serve only one rational function, that of being the focus of dissent.  It is perfectly logical to hold in contempt anyone who always knows what is best for you.  Government is full of them¹.  It is also full of people who know that what is good for you isn’t necessarily good for them.

    1. Politics is the only profession for which being called a ‘sanctimonious prig’ is considered a good thing.

    DODGE              To evade by sudden shift of place.  What one does with all responsibility.

    DOMESDAY        Archaic word meaning ‘The day of Judgement’. Generally associated with the Domesday Book, an early census, ordered by William the Conqueror, who wanted to know exactly how much he could screw out of whom.  Think combined Census and Tax Return with the implicit threat of disembowelment for non-payment.            

    DOOMSDAY       The Day of Judgement.  Your afternoon in Magistrates Court – £25 fine and bound over for two weeks.  Also, excluded from all branches of McDonalds until April.

    DOWNHILL         Into a worse or inferior condition.  The direction in which your life is heading.  Generally, unless you are wearing skis, it is not considered ‘a good thing’ to reach the bottom first.  Even in Downhill Skiing, one is expected to reach the nadir with some form and grace; not with one shoe missing, a fat lip and a tampon up one nostril.  Also, remember that not even Franz Klammer was able to walk back up the mountain, no matter how quickly or elegantly he got down it.  A couple of paper cupfuls of gluhwein down at the bottom end and you’re staying there baby.

    DUEL                  A prearranged combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons according to an accepted code of procedure, esp. to settle a private quarrel.  Once an invitation to duel has been accepted, it is considered extremely bad form to hide behind one’s girlfriend pretending to be a non-English speaking Lithuanian with a dodgy leg.  You will be considered a complete cad if you do not go ahead with the duel and die with honour.  Duels are traditionally fought at dawn, with either swords or pistols.  (If you are offered the choice of weapons, go for celery.  Contempt is much easier to handle than fatal wounding.)

    DUET                 A piece of music for two performers.  What you thought you’d read when you accepted the invitation to a duel.

    DUODENUM       The first portion of the small intestine, from the stomach to the jejunum¹.  The first indicator that you are actually properly scared.

    1. The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum – and you think your job, stacking supermarket shelves, is grim.

    DYNAMITE         High explosive.  Much like next-door’s glue-sniffing son, this is never to be approached with an open flame.  Much like next-door’s glue-sniffing son, dynamite can have a devastating effect on the neighbourhood.  Unlike next-door’s glue-sniffing son, dynamite is very rarely sick on your rhododendrons.


                              Place a soft-boiled egg up a politician’s exhaust (or that of his car).

    © Colin McQueen 2022

    The Beginner’s A-Z of D.I.Y Subversion Index is here

    The Beginner’s A-Z of D.I.Y Subversion (DDT to Devil)


    DDT                   Hydrocarbon compound, an effective insecticide.  Many of the people you will encounter in the pursuit of your subversive activities would benefit greatly from a spray down with this.  Pay special attention to all warm, moist areas: The Amazonian Rain Forest, North West India, all regions generally covered by underwear.

    DAMAGE            To injure or impair.  It is a legitimate course of action to cause damage to those who themselves cause damage on a much greater scale.  There are those who would damage our communities, our countries, our planet and, were they to be given the opportunity, probably several others across the universe.  Now is the time to rise up and damage their cause.  It is impossible for even the seasoned subversive not to take sides.  Sit on the fence and you will get your balls creosoted.  Think of your children.  If you don’t have children, think of somebody else’s children.  If you don’t like children, think of yourself.

    DANGER            Exposure to injury; jeopardy; risk.  Oh, dear me, no!  No, no, no, no, no!  Exposure to injury is to be avoided at all cost.  Besides serving no useful purpose whatsoever, injury is in itself a foreign word to the subversive.  It translates as ‘Pain’.  Pain is exclusively reserved for the benefit of others.  Pain is to be inflicted.  Pain is most certainly not to be endured.  Some people thrive on danger.  To the brave, it is like a drug.  To the subversive it is like a laxative.  It is best never to get involved in anything that could, in anyway, be considered dangerous.

    DEATH               Extinction of life.  Death is not a skeletal figure dressed in black, carrying a scythe¹.  Death is an insurance salesman.  Death is called Nigel.  Death works at a call centre in Mumbai.  He got your phone number from the HMRC website.

    1. An agricultural hand-tool for mowing grass or reaping crops.  How it became associated with Death, I am not certain.  A scythe is used in the reaping of crops and Death is, of course, The Grim Reaper.  I Googled ‘Grim Reaper’ and got a short piece about a heavy metal band from Droitwich.  I also accidentally Googled ‘Grim Reeperbahn’, which I do not recommend as a course of action, and I would like to make it known, here and now, that I have never met the lady.

    DEBACLE            A confused rout.  Now here is a word I know all about.  My whole life is confusion – at least I think it is, I’m not sure.  A rout is any overwhelming defeat, which just goes to prove that my wife is completely correct when she describes my entire life as a debacle.

    DEBATE              Contention in words or arguments; discussion; controversy.  To dispute; to deliberate.  Forget it.  Politicians do it all the time – and look at them.  The gentle art of persuasion is best served with a baseball bat.  Do not deliberate – it merely postpones the painful realisation that you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.  Debate requires at least two parties and has three rules:    

    1. Don’t get involved.
    2. If you do get involved, always stand by an open door.
    3. Write down very clearly the points you wish to make and, in an emergency, use the list to set fire to the other person’s trousers.

    DEBAUCH          To corrupt; to pervert; to riot; to revel.  Excess in eating or drinking; lewdness.  This sounds like so much fun, the government will almost certainly tax it in the next budget.

    DEFEAT              Frustration; overthrow; loss of battle.  Try to avoid all possibility of defeat by never openly being drawn into battle.  If you should become embroiled in a literary battle, use a pen-name and, if possible, somebody else’s typewriter or cut letters out of the newspaper.  If you are drawn into a verbal battle, remember always to speak slowly and quietly.  Very quietly if your opponent is bigger than yourself.  Keep calm when stating your own arguments and listen carefully and patiently to those of your adversary before destroying them with your incisive wit and perception. It is also a good tactic to stand behind them and pull faces.  Should you get drawn into a physical battle you have two basic choices: flight or fight.  Of course, one of them is right and the other one is fight.  If all possible escape routes are blocked, and a physical confrontation becomes inevitable, you must immediately adopt the correct stance.  This is best known as the foetal position.  Roll up in a ball, as tightly as you can, and whimper softly¹. 

    Never worry about losing face – it does not hurt as much as getting beaten up.

    1. Foam at the mouth if at all possible: your opponent will a) believe that you are in need of medical attention and will not want to get involved in all the questions that are associated with a 999 call (the answers to which are all ‘I don’t know’) b) will not want to get sputum all over his brand new linen trousers and c) will have just the vaguest suspicion that you might have rabies and/or a trapped fish bone – the consequences of either being far more messy than they would want to risk.

    DESPERADO       Desperate fellow; reckless ruffian.  A media word for subversive.  If you like the sound of this title, do not wash or change your underwear for a week.

    DESPOT             (See Dictator – below)  A king or other ruler with absolute, unlimited power; autocrat; any tyrant or oppressor.  Everything that you most revile.  Everything that you’d most like to be.  You could buy a dog, but remember that even the dimmest of canines might be inclined to answer back now and again – also it is not easy to remain imperious with dog crap on your slippers. 

    DEVASTATE       To lay waste; render desolate.  The effect that the dedicated subversive can have on an ‘All U Can Eat Oriental Buffet’ during its £4.95 Afternoon Special session.  Also the effect that certain prawn dishes in the above may have on the hungry subversive after they have sat in lukewarm water for four and a half hours under a dodgy heat lamp.  (You know that I meant the prawns and not the subversives.)

    DEVIL (1)            The supreme spirit of evil.  I drank some of this on holiday in Bulgaria and spoke Swahili for three days afterwards.

    DEVIL (2)            An atrociously wicked, cruel, or ill-tempered person.  You will meet a lot of these.  Tell them that you have wandered into the Job Centre by mistake and, anyway, you can’t attend a job interview right now because you have a bunion.

    DEVIL (3)            A person who is very clever, energetic, reckless, or mischievous.  Exactly the kind of person that you do not want in your band of desperadoes, but will almost certainly be first in the queue to join you.  Allow them to become a member at your peril.  Finding your shoes super-glued to the pub floor is all well and good the first time it happens, but can become seriously annoying, particularly when you are trying to evade the landlord.

    DEVIL (4)            (Cookery) a grill with Cayenne pepper.  Something that you do with kidneys – although God knows why.  As far as I am aware, kidneys serve only one purpose in the culinary world, e.g. something to pick out of steak and kidney pie.

    © Colin McQueen 2022

    The Beginner’s A-Z of D.I.Y Subversion Index is here